PREVIOUS: Scene Groups

Scene Time Functions

In addition to triggering Scenes manually from the Master Tile or Main Screen (as described in the Automation Overview), they can also be triggered using time functions.

Scenes can be triggered automatically when the console's timecode reaches a specific value.

To set a trigger time for a Scene:

Touch the timecode display in the Trigger Time column for the required Scene. The Trigger Time configuration page will open in the bottom half of the screen.

Note: To navigate from a different Configuration page, touch the Trigger Time button in the left of the screen.

Insert the required timecode into the Time clock readout by touching each field's up and down arrows to increment and decrement them.

You can also clear the time to 0 by touching Clear Time, or insert the current timecode value by touching Capture.

Now touch Apply, and the timecode value will appear in the Scene's Trigger Time column.

Finally, the Trigger Time needs to be Armed by touching Arm. A green 'light' in the top left corner of the Scene's Trigger Time entry indicates that it is active.

If the One Shot button is activated, the Scene will be triggered next time its timecode is reached, but will then disarm to prevent further timecode triggering.

The Trigger Time function column can be globally disabled by touching the column title – it will go red and the column contents will become greyed out, indicating that the column is inactive. All Scenes with Trigger Times will now not be triggered when their timecode is reached.

Fade Time

The Fade Time field in the scene list displays how long the complete fade into the Scene will take. Because fades are defined for each element, this number is not editable.

To change the fade time for the elements of the Scene:

Select the Scene and touch the Fade Timers button at the top of the automation page. A fade timers grid will appear, with path types listed as rows in the grid and individual path elements listed as columns, similar to the below:

Select Default or Scene Mode at the top of the screen to edit the default fade times for new scenes or fade times for the currently selected scene respectively.

Note: Default Fade Times are only applied to new Scenes; they do not affect fade timers for existing Scenes, including the currently selected one.

Enable the Edit button on the right of the screen.

If in Scene Mode, changes can be made to the Selected scene only, all scenes within the same Group (see Scene Groups) or all scenes by changing the edit range mode; Press & hold the button located just above the Edit button and choose Edit Single (default), Edit Group or Edit All. Subsequent Fade Time changes will now be applied to the defined range of scenes.

To see individual paths, select the path type row (e.g. Input Channel) and use the Show Details button at the top of the screen to open a detailed list of paths.

Double-tap a time field to open up a display of that element's timings; there are three times:

Start time: The delay between the scene fire and the start of the fade.

Duration: The length of time the fade then takes.

Switch At: The delay between the scene fire and when the switches change their status.

Tap on the ? button in the top right of the screen to view these definitions on the console.

Use the - and + buttons to change the times in 0.5 second steps, or double-tap a value to type in a value directly. Press OK to confirm the times entered. Tap outside of the popup to cancel changes.

The Scene's Fade Time displayed in the scene list will be the longest element fade (which is defined as the longest Start time + Duration combined, or Switch At time).

Press the Scene View button at the top of the screen to return to the scene list.

When the Scene is fired, a progress bar below its Fade Time display in the List indicates the proportion of the Fade time that has passed.

Transition Time

You can also define how long a Scene lasts, at the end of which the console will automatically move onto the next Scene in the display (that is not skipped; see below). This is the Transition time.

To set a Transition time for a Scene:

Touch the time display in the Transition column for the required Scene. The Auto Transition time configuration page will open in the bottom half of the screen.

Note: To navigate from a different Configuration page, touch the Auto Transition button in the left of the screen.

Insert the required time into the Auto Transition time readout by touching each field's up and down the arrows to increment or decrement them.

You can also clear the time to 0 by touching Clear Time.

Now touch Apply, and the time value will appear in the Scene's Transition column.

When that Scene is Active, a progress bar below its Transition time display in the List indicates the proportion of the Transition time that has passed. When the Transition time is reached, the next Scene in the List will automatically become active.

The Transition function column can be disabled by touching the column title – it will go red and the column contents will become greyed out, indicating that the column is inactive. Scenes with Transition times will now stay active until a different Scene is triggered by another method.

Skipping a Scene

If you want to prevent a Scene from being triggered as part of a sequence, touch its Skip button (at the left edge of the Scene List). It will go blue to indicate that the Scene will be skipped each time it is reached. This also 'hides' the scene when navigating through the scene list using the arrow buttons and prevents the scene from being fired by any Input Actions or Trigger Time (see above).

Note: You can still trigger the scene manually by touching its GO button.

The Skip function column can be disabled by touching the column title – it will go red and the column contents will become greyed out, indicating that the column is inactive. Scenes with Skip selected will now be triggered when they are reached.

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NEXT: Input & Output Actions